
I'm Back!

Kay so yeah.... I haven't posted on here... FOREVER.... I'm bad... I know.... ANYWAY!!!

I won't bore you with my life facts from 6 months but I will give you a TINY recap on what's up now.

I'm still in Synchronized Swimming. New coach and NEW team now though so that's different. New school. New friends well I also have my old friends but I made a lot of new friends at my new school and at other activities... I read a bunch of NEW BOOKS! Including the wonderful Clockwork Prince and YES! I know COLS IS coming out soon and you'll notice I have the link at the bottom of the blog XD. Also lots of NEW writing! I can't wait to share some excerpts! And FINALLY! A NEW YEARS RESOLUTION! To actually start posting at least once a week on this thing! Yes I know! FINALLY! Right?! So I will finally be back to posting on this and post will include, news on books and occasional reviews, excerpts from writing and news on writing, stuff on Synchronized Swimming, and other boring life stuff... :)

I'm so excited to be back in the blogging world! If there is anything specific you would like me to blog about please let me know! Hopefully at lease one post a week starting NOW!

Lots of Love

Jocelyn AKA Crazy Writer

1 comment:

  1. Just noticed you had a blog it it pretty neat. As you know I am a super book worm as well not many of us out there.

    Dena Schertzer
